
Our Anti-Racism and Equity Priorities

Scope of Our Work + Equity Framework

Social justice is a goal and process that aims to eliminate inequities, abuses of power, and institutionalized oppression created by racism, classism, and other intersecting oppressing systems of power. It “reconstructs society in accordance with principles of equity, recognition, and inclusion.” The goal is a collective liberation for all people so they can live with dignity, self-determination, and equally and fully participate in society and democracy. It relies on inclusive and democratic participation in decision-making, diverse representation, recognition and celebration of people’s diversity, and a fair and equitable distribution of ecologically sustainable social, economic, political, symbolic, and educational resources and opportunities.

Race equity (or racial justice) is the condition where one’s racial identity has no influence on how one fares in society.
Race equity culture is a culture that is focused on proactive counteraction of race inequities inside and outside of an organization.

Overarching Anti-Racism and Equity (ARE) Work

  • Refine Equitable Hiring Practices
  • Develop and launch the Anti-Racism and Equity Institute
  • Increase Learning Opportunities and Resources
  • Program ARE Score Card
  • Develop Board understanding of ARE

1. The Good Shepherd Board of Directors has created a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) task force. We are helping them design and rollout a plan that will include an assessment phase, board education phase and creation of DEI strategies.

2. A knowledge management retention process is used to capture deep knowledge of an area. It ensures critical knowledge/capabilities are not lost during a staff transition process. The community-based programs’ process will be open to all staff. Eight employees at varying levels from across the agency will be able to participate. People will be selected via a randomized lottery.

3. The core competencies project will help us decide on what skills are important for all staff to have in order to support our mission of helping children, youth and families succeed and thrive with a social and racial justice lens. Beginning conversations were held with community-based in fall 2020 and will resume in March 2021. The conversations have already included over 40+ stakeholder voices and will expand to other areas of the agency.

4. The ARE Institute includes over 126 hours of learning. A cohort launched in March 2021 for nonprofit partners in the sector. An internal cohort will launch in our fiscal year 2022. Many of the learning opportunities have or will be offered through our workshops.