Deep Down They’re Geeks: Goldmanites Dominate Big Scavenger Hunt
The contestants in Wall Street’s epic scavenger hunt emptied their “Field Rations” boxes and arranged the contents: 10 spray vials, nine bags of cotton candy and a deck of five playing cards carrying messages in Braille.
The competition, formerly known as Midnight Madness and rebooted this year under the name Compass, had led the players aboard the U.S.S. Intrepid, apparently to sniff and taste.
One team sprayed the scents on the cotton candy (not helpful). Another touched itty-bitty pieces to their tongues, sure about banana, unclear about grape. One player identified every scent, from bubble gum to grass, in about a minute, while another was unable to tell the difference between the “food and cologne smells.” Picking them out was the only way to get the next clue.
It’s not the typical image of a Wall Street dealmaker’s Saturday on the town. Yet the scavenger hunt, a fundraiser for the nonprofit Good Shepherd Services, has still found its base.
Source: Bloomberg Pursuits