College and Career

College and career | Bedford Stuyvesant, Central Bronx, East New York, Gowanus, Red Hook, Upper Manhattan

As young people prepare for high school graduation, we focus on their academic and social skills that are so critical to college and career success.

Our college preparation programs help young people successfully navigate the application process, actualize their goals, and receive the support they need to enter and stay in college.

Recognizing the diverse needs of the young people we serve, Good Shepherd also provides workforce training for those not immediately college-bound. We integrate career exploration, job readiness training, and personal and leadership development into all of our job readiness initiatives offered at our partnership schools, in-school support programs, and Young Adult Borough Centers (YABCs).

Program Locations

LifeLink Park Slope|Park Slope

503 5th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11215, USA
(718) 788-4800 |Get directions

Men in Progress / Women on the Move: Boys and Girls High School|Bedford Stuyvesant

1700 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, NY 11213, USA
|Get directions