
Partner With Us

Our approach to our work emphasizes partnerships and makes the most of public and private resources.

When we identify a need, we use a strategic approach to fill the gaps, collaborating with other public or private institutions to help our participants achieve their potential. From our partnerships with government agencies to our work with other non-profits and corporations, our collaborations create opportunities for youth and families to success and thrive.


Good Shepherd’s philosophy of effective partnerships is best illustrated by our longtime partnership with the New York City Department of Education. Since 1973, we have worked together to provide school-based programs and services for young people of all ages. Our programs include school-based preventative services, attendance improvement, college access and retention, and after-school programs.


Over all, our work is strengthened by our extensive linkages and collaborations with other community-based institutions that provide medical, mental health, educational and economic services to the families with whom we work. We continue to maintain strong, ongoing relationships with numerous institutions and service providers throughout the City. We work with local community boards, economic development organizations, health facilities, domestic violence organizations, local police precincts, and public housing tenant associations. In addition, we actively participate, and in many cases, facilitate, committees with other providers that are engaged in advocating for and improving the lives of New York City’s children, youth, and families.


We partner with numerous corporations who provide us with financial support that help make Good Shepherd Services programs possible. Corporations also provide us with volunteers who work with and alongside Good Shepherd participants in varying capacities throughout the year. Finally, we offer sponsorship opportunities for corporations to directly support and impact our programs. Our corporate partners include: Barclays, BSE Global, Credit Suisse, Deloitte, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, New York Life Insurance and UBS.  To learn more about becoming a corporate partner, click here.

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