
Using Data to Strengthen Practice

Good Shepherd Services Bronx High School program

Research and data inform our programmatic designs and decisions, and we are committed to always improving, based on evidence and outcomes. Good Shepherd Services’ performance management achievements have received a national spotlight as best practices in the field, and we are often asked to share our approach.

Performance management
To measure results and impact, we maintain a Program Evaluation and Planning (PEP) Department, comprised of doctoral and master degree level staff who oversee our organization’s efforts in performance management, evaluation and evidence-based practice.

This team partners with each one of our programs to develop a plan for performance management that outlines a program’s specific target population, resource investment, inputs, activities, and intended impact and outcomes.

How data strengthens our services
We identify practices that are working well and decide whether they should be replicated at other sites or in other program areas.  We also consider practices that are not meeting our standards and identify potential modifications in our services. Any change in our practice entails the careful consideration of the research literature and external evidence regarding effective practices.

High-quality data collection
To ensure the collection of high-quality data, we implement a variety of standardized assessments and utilize program-tailored data collection systems, including web-based applications such as Efforts to Outcomes (ETO) and Evolv-CS. With logic models and requisite data collection systems in place, we use findings from quarterly data analysis to strengthen program practices.


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