
Strategic Plan 2024-2028

We’re excited to share our newest strategic plan, Cultivating Curiosity, Growing Our Impact. This plan is the product of a six-month internal planning process that engaged over 700 GSS stakeholders, including participants, staff, board members, and external partners, who considered a wide range of information about internal and external trends.

Our six strategic directions will guide our work over the next five years.

Participant Voice:

Expand our commitment to youth and family voice

Economic Mobility:

Embed economic and social mobility efforts across all programs

Mental Health & Wellbeing:

Build and align mental health services

Collaboration & Integration:

Enhance integration and alignment agency-wide to improve collaboration and impact


Attract and develop staff talent as emerging citywide leaders

Drive Impact:

Establish systems and practices across the entire organization to set goals, measure progress, learn from data, and drive impact

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Strategic Plan 2024-2028


View the Strategic Plan document links below.

Feedback from Our Stakeholders: Key Findings that Informed Our Plan

Participant Testimonial

Strategic Planning Summit Recap

Our Approach

Strategic Plan 2018-2022










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